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A $1000 IT & Moneytransfer Scholarship Monisaver is online comparison engine for money transfer services but other than that, Monisaver is reviewing the best and the most profitable money transfer providers and helping end-users to find the best solution to send money abroad, which can meet their criteria. ExampleWISE  and  TransferGO For this reason, we’re pleased to announce the Monisaver IT & Moneytransfer Scholarship award. We know that affording education can be difficult which is why we set up our program to help aid the cost of attending. Those students who are currently studying in the areas of Marketing, Business, IT or Communications may be extremely interested in this scholarship program. Rather than being an expert if you have a passion for digital marketing you can participate warmly.

Terms for Participation

The Monisaver is offering this scholarship to students in the United States who create a 1000-1500 words piece of content on the topic “evolution IT &  International money transfers  in 2021” We want you to include following ideas
  • How to send money abroad fast and cheap
  • How to send money abroad fast and cheap instantly
The winner will get $1000 which can be utilized for education resources.

Eligibility and Creativity

Those candidates are eligible who are High school seniors or students who are currently enrolled in a college, trade school, or university. The piece of content you will be submitting must be unique. While reading the articles that are submitted, we will take note of several factors including creativity, value of the provided information and few others.

How to Apply

Write an article of 1000 words on the topic of “ evolution IT & Moneytransfer  in 2021” When you will be done with these steps, email us at scholarship@monisaver.com with all of the details listed below and attached Word document.
  • Personal Details (First & Last name, Phone, and Address).
  • School Name.
  • Area of Study.
  • Any document which can proof that you are a Student.


The final date for submission is October 01 2021, and we will choose the winner by December 15th and the check will be mailed out by December 20th. $1,000 check will be sent directly to your college. We run our scholarship program every year.